Site: J / Team: The Oompa Lobedas
The Site
The site housed a dysfunctional fountain from GDR times. A small plaza with a signpost extends between the fountain and the main traffic artery of the neighborhood.
The Mission
Create a Launch Pad for Curiosity.
The Result
The fountain is the only relic from GDR times, of the once central civic square. The broken fountain and the space in front were mostly unused. However, young people visit the nearby sports facilities regularly. The resulting project could be considered as a multidimensional garden. It is a place to meet, play and relax.
Team Statement
The most important thing for us was to create a functional place for the neighbourhood. A place that could hopefully last more than a few weeks. We thought of including areas where people could sit and spread out over different levels. The grid could therefore become a place to meet, exchange and relax. It could be a place where one could find intimacy in a totally open structure. But more than that, it could be a place where one can be actor of his environment.
Team The Oompa Lobedas
Chloé Rouillard, Kris Drieghe, Zuraida Buter, Maire Cordts, Martin Schusser, Mathias Wunderlich, Ann Kildehave, Jürgen Höfler, David Biegl, Rasmus Exo, Melody Devillier, Rienzi Gokea