In May 2019, Jena-Lobeda will host the newest edition of 72 Hour Urban Action. 120 participants coming from Germany and from around the world will design and build ten installations in ten different sites, in co-operation with the residents of Jena-Lobeda.
Our network of local organizations will support the competition teams in a live design and build process with the public as an audience. The results will be evaluated by a professional jury, with one team winning the First Prize. A People's Choice Award will be decided by the residents of Lobeda. All projects will have the possibility to remain after the festival if the residents and municipality wish for them to stay.
We invite professionals, amateurs, visitors, and residents to become active agents of change and to quickly influence the urban landscape in a sustainable way.
Public Program
Running parallel to the real-time architecture festival, the public program will feature artists interventions, concerts, film screenings, building workshops, a growing live exhibition, the launch of a Lobeda fanzine and an info point to serve visitors and residents
Welcome! At registration, you get your overalls and settle into your team tent at the International Public Space Camp (IPSC) - your home away from home. We introduce you to the camp, the different roles in the team, and to safe working procedures.
A tour in the district follows to immerses everybody in our shared context. To conclude the day, we invite all participants to introduce themselves and their work in an open mic extravaganza.
At the takeoff event, the teams draw their missions in a lottery and receive a sealed envelope containing a brief with all the information they need about their site. The stopwatch springs and the action begins! The first hours are dedicated to getting to know your site, your neighbors, the spatial context and to the interpretation of the mission. The first night is dedicated to brainstorming and developing design ideas.
Your draft should be ready by morning. Plans, drawings, and sketches are reviewed by an independent structural engineer. If your idea is technically feasible, the team goes on to create your first shopping lists and start procuring materials. We will provide you with an inventory of all available shops for different materials and services in the area.
The Muscle area in the camp has a fully equipped workshop for all teams to use. However, we encourage teams to work mainly on site. Our workshop masters can support you with complex technical challenges. During the 72 hour period, our Urban Action Kitchen steams and sizzles constantly to provide you with delicious energy day and night.
May 5: Landing
As the last few seconds run out, the last screws are tightened, we announce throughout the sites: "TOOLS DOWN!". Time is up, and the international jury takes its tour through the interventions. Teams are invited back to the camp to relax and have a beer. Once the jury has cast their votes, the teams join the public at the landing event, where the First Prize and the People's Choice Award are announced. Naturally, an open street party marks the end of the festival.
May 6 and Onwards: Life
Everybody hugs as normality is slowly restored. We take good care of your results. In cooperation with the municipality and community organizations, we decide what stays, what needs adjusting and what has to go. You and the entire 72HUA team prepare for our next adventures.