Site: E / Team: Zen 10
The Site
The site is an unused part of a public parking lot between 11-story housing blocks and a park that covers a national highway.
The Mission
Discover the Potential of the Neighborhood Backyard.
The Result
Relatively quickly it was clear that this parking lot is being viewed from different perspectives. The idea was to create an interaction area for neighbors and for passers-by. A modular meeting place that allows multiple levels of communication, both intimate and hidden as well as public and exposed.
Team Statement
Focusing on people already using the place led us to provide meeting points. We worked on different perspectives, building shelters to provide hidden places and playing with patterns that can be seen from the housing blocks. The design stays open and can be used in multiple ways.
Team Zen 10
Kamila Juruc, Michal Podgorczyk, Mohamad Faek Bitar, Ariane Nietzschmann, Sophie Dilg, Fabian Zaja, Nele Goldberg, Wolfgang Albrecht, Michael Brummer, Guy David Briller, Nimrod Adam Briller, Louise Lescure